If you need to update your account information, like the account name, company details, and address, you can make these changes through the Account page.
Follow these steps to update your details:
On the Account page (Settings > Account), click Edit in the upper right. The Edit account wizard launches.
Change the General settings as necessary:
Logo - Update the logo for your account. You can upload an image by clicking Select file or by dragging the image into the field.
Client name - Update the name of your account. The account name is displayed in the upper right and on other pages on the platform.
Change the Additional data settings as necessary:
Company website - Enter the URL for your company website.
Technical support email - Enter an email address for your technical support.
Company description - Enter a description of your company.
Change the Headquarters address settings as necessary:
Address line 1 - Enter the first line of your company address.
Address line 2 - Enter additional details or secondary address information.
City - Enter the city for your address.
State/region - Select the state or region for your address.
ZIP/postcode - Enter the zip or postal code for your address.
Country - Select the country for your address.
Click Save. A message is displayed stating that your account settings have been updated.
An account enables a company or organization to sign in to the Marketplace Platform and access various platform modules and features. Different types of accounts exist on the Marketplace Platform. Learn more about accounts in Key Concepts.
If you are an account administrator, you can access the Account page by navigating to the main menu and selecting Settings > Account.
On this page, you can view and manage account information, including your general account settings and address information.
The Account page also contains the following tabs:
General - Displays the additional data for your account, such as your company website and description, support email address, and headquarters address.
Modules - Displays the modules that SoftwareOne has enabled for your account.
Details - Displays the date and time your account was created on the platform. It also shows the last updated date and time if any changes were made to your account, such as address changes.
Audit trail - Displays an audit trail of all changes and events within your account. For each audit record, you can view the log details and summary. To learn more, see Audit Trail.
If you want to update the general information associated with your account, use the Edit option in the upper right. For instructions, see Update Account Information.