
Find information on how to access and navigate the platform.

Accessing the interface

You can access the Marketplace Platform from an up-to-date desktop or mobile browser. For a list of browsers, see Which browsers do you support?.

Follow these steps to access the platform:

  1. Navigate to the sign-in page:

  2. Enter the email address associated with your account and click Continue.

  3. Enter your password and click Continue. If the sign-in is successful, the Home page is displayed.

If you provide inaccurate credentials, an error message is displayed.

If you can’t remember your password, select the Forgot password? link on the Sign-in page and then follow the instructions. For more information, see Update password.

The Marketplace Platform offers a seamless and intuitive interface for exploring and using its modules.

It features a layout with a horizontal header at the top and a primary content section in the middle.

Header area

The header is available on all pages throughout the platform.

  • SoftwareOne logo - Clicking the logo returns you to the Home page of the portal.

  • Navigation or main menu - Clicking the main menu displays all the modules you have access to, along with your recently viewed modules and favorite pages.

  • Help icon - Clicking the Help icon opens a menu containing links to resources, such as the SoftwareOne blog, product documentation, and news and updates. You can also Contact Support from this menu.

  • Notifications - Clicking the notifications icon opens the Notifications page. For more information, see View Notifications.

  • Account selector and profile - Displays your account name, type of account, and your username. Click the menu to manage your profile, switch accounts (only if you belong to multiple accounts), and sign out of your account.

Primary content section

The primary content section is the main working area that displays data and allows you to view information and complete operations depending on your role and permissions.

The layout of the content area depends on the module and the type of data it displays.

Last updated

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