Pricelist Center

Find information on how the IaaS/PaaS Cloud provider price lists work.

The Pricelist Center is a part of our Cloud Management experience. You can use the Pricelist Center to check the latest prices from IaaS/PaaS Cloud providers or set prices for SaaS Cloud providers.

Many supported IaaS/PaaS Cloud providers publish a price list either based on current pricing levels or a list price for their service. In addition, those same providers offer Reserved Instances as a separate price list.

SaaS Cloud Providers don't provide price lists, but prices have to be set by you or SoftwareOne.

  • If you are an Office 365 EA or Adobe client, you might need to set the price for each of your subscriptions/licenses and then update them by date, based on any changes on contract renewals.

  • If you are an Office 365 Simple client, SoftwareOne will automatically update these prices.

You can access the Pricelist Center by navigating to the main menu and selecting Cloud tools > Pricelist Center.

On the Pricelist Center page, you can view the following information:

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