Pricelist Center
Find information on how the IaaS/PaaS Cloud provider price lists work.
The Pricelist Center is a part of our Cloud Management experience. You can use the Pricelist Center to check the latest prices from IaaS/PaaS Cloud providers or set prices for SaaS Cloud providers.
Many supported IaaS/PaaS Cloud providers publish a price list either based on current pricing levels or a list price for their service. In addition, those same providers offer Reserved Instances as a separate price list.
SaaS Cloud Providers don't provide price lists, but prices have to be set by you or SoftwareOne.
If you are an Office 365 EA or Adobe client, you might need to set the price for each of your subscriptions/licenses and then update them by date, based on any changes on contract renewals.
If you are an Office 365 Simple client, SoftwareOne will automatically update these prices.
How to access the Pricelist center
You can access the Pricelist Center by navigating to the main menu and selecting Cloud tools > Pricelist Center.
On the Pricelist Center page, you can view the following information: