
Learn about buyers and how to access the Buyers page.

In the Marketplace Platform, a buyer refers to any organization or legal entity that procures products or services from SoftwareOne. Buyers are the recipients of invoices issued by SoftwareOne. Learn more about buyers in Key Concepts.

Buyers interface

If you are an account administrator, you can access the Buyers page by navigating to the main menu and selecting Settings > Buyers.

The Buyers page shows a list of buyers in your account. You can enable or disable a buyer, and update buyer details as needed. However, you cannot add new buyers. New buyers can be added by SoftwareOne only.

On this page, you can view the following buyer information:

  • Buyer - Displays the buyer's name and their unique identifier on the Marketplace platform.

  • Tax number - Displays the tax identifier for the buyer, if available.

  • Address - Displays the buyer's address.

  • Contact Person - Displays the contact person for the buyer.

  • Seller - Displays the name of the SoftwareOne legal entity from which the buyer can procure.

  • Licensee - Displays the associated licensee.

  • Status - Displays the buyer's status in the system. Possible values include:

    • Enabled - The buyer has been created in the system but it hasn't been activated yet by SoftwareOne.

    • Active - The buyer is active and you can select it from your list of buyers when buying products.

    • Disabled - The buyer has been disabled and can no longer be selected when purchasing.

    • Mismatch - The buyer’s data is not in sync with the data in our backend system. This discrepancy can occur due to various reasons. Contact support for assistance.

  • Actions - Displays options that allow you to edit a buyer or enable or disable a buyer if you have access to the Account Management module.

Buyer details page

The details page of a buyer provides all information related to the buyer. You can open the details page by clicking the name of the buyer.

What can I do on this page?

From the details page, you can complete the following tasks:

When you open the details page, it shows the buyer's name, marketplace ID, and status. You can also view other information, such as account details, SoftwareOne identifier, and tax identification number.

The page also contains the following tabs that display corresponding information:

  • General - Displays the buyer's address and the contact person details.

  • Sellers - Displays the sellers linked to the buyer. Clicking a seller's name opens up the details page for the seller.

  • Licensees - Displays the licensee or the consumer of the product bought by the buyer.

  • Details - Displays the date and time information for the buyer, for example, the date and time when the buyer was created in the system.

Edit BuyersEnable or Disable Buyers

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