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SoftwareOne is a trademark of SoftwareOne, Inc. "The Software Licensing Experts" is a service mark of SoftwareOne, Inc. VAR assist is a trademark of SoftwareOne, Inc. "It pays to partner" is a service mark of SoftwareOne, Incorporated.
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Follow these steps to view your active software subscriptions, current spending, or your entire spending including subscriptions:
From the main menu of the Client Portal, navigate to Inventory > Software Assets.
Use the search options to view your software asset inventory list. You can either enter your PO number or reference number in the Reference field or use the filters to narrow down the search results.
Review the details on the Software Assets and Financial Transactions tabs.
The Software Assets tab displays your active software subscriptions and current spending only. It doesn't display your past payments.
The Financial Transactions tab displays your entire spending across all software, including subscriptions and your past transactions.