How to Split Billing Across Buyers

Split billing is a feature that allows you to divide the cost of a subscription across different buyers in your account. If your organization has multiple legal entities, split billing can be used to distribute costs effectively. To learn more, see Split Billing.

In the Marketplace Platform, the split billing process begins by activating the feature from the user interface (UI), selecting buyers for allocation, and then specifying the allocation percentage or license count for each buyer. This tutorial describes how to complete all of these steps.

In this tutorial, an agreement named Adobe VIP Marketplace for Stark Industries contains three subscriptions. Currently, 100% of the billing for these subscriptions is assigned to a single buyer named Stark Industries. We'll activate split billing, add two new buyers named Stark Industries II and Stark Industries III, and then specify the allocation percentage for these buyers.


Before getting started with the tutorial, it's essential to have an understanding of the platform's key concepts. You must also be familiar with the platform's interface and know how to navigate it.

1. Activate split billing

Split billing can only be activated at the agreement level. To activate split billing:

  1. Navigate to the Agreements page and select the required agreement.

  1. In the Split billing dialog, select the checkbox and then click Save.

Split billing is activated and the Split billing tab appears on the agreement’s details page. You are now ready to configure buyers to allocate billing to.

2. Configure buyers

In this tutorial, Stark Industries is the Owner buyer who has been allocated 100% of the billing.

We'll configure Stark Industries II and Stark Industries III as additional buyers and then divide the costs across buyers. To start configuring buyers:

  1. On the Split billing tab, click Edit.

  1. In the Split billing dialog, use the checkboxes to select the buyers from the list of your active buyers and then click Save.

Stark Industries II and Stark Industries III are added as buyers and displayed on the Split billing tab. You are now ready to allocate billing to these buyers.

3. Split allocations

Billing can be allocated by specifying percentages for each buyer. You can also specify the estimated license count. Both of these options are linked, meaning changing one updates the other automatically, although only the allocation % is used during billing (see Split billing rules to learn more).

To start configuring the split for each buyer:

1. In the Actions column for the Owner buyer, click Details.

  1. For the required subscription, click Edit.

This example agreement contains three subscriptions, but we'll only configure allocation for the first subscription called Creative Cloud All Apps with Adobe Stock.

  1. In Allocation %, enter the allocation percentage for each buyer and click Save.

In this example, 50% of billing is allocated to Stark Industries (owner buyer) and the remaining 50% to Stark Industries II. No percentage is assigned to Stark Industries III.

  1. The allocation is updated and displayed on the Split billing details page. By default, the allocation for the owner buyer is displayed:

Use the menu at the top to view the allocation for the other buyers (Stark Industries II in this case):

  1. Click Close. You'll be returned to the Split billing details tab.

Next steps

If you have additional subscriptions and want to split the billing, you can repeat the same steps for those subscriptions. You can also edit the split at any time. For instructions, see Edit Split Billing.

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