In the SoftwareOne Marketplace, you can browse and choose from a wide range of subscription-based products from the Microsoft CSP and Adobe VIP Marketplace programs.
The Products page is the main page that lists all products and lets you start the ordering process. You can buy new products by establishing a new agreement with SoftwareOne, or use your existing agreement:
New agreement - You can set up a new agreement if you are new to SoftwareOne or if your procurement needs differ from your existing contracts.
Existing agreement - You can use an existing agreement to order new products, add new items to an existing agreement, and even adjust the quantity of your current licenses.
When ordering a product, the parameters and steps required can vary based on the product and the vendor. For example, when ordering Microsoft 365, you must choose whether to create a new Microsoft tenant or use your existing account. This step will not apply to Adobe purchases.
For an overview of the purchasing process, see How to buy products in the Marketplace. To learn about the Products page, see Products Interface.
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Products InterfaceSave Order as a DraftHow to Buy Products in the MarketplaceLast updated