Sellers Interface
Learn about the fields and actions available on the Sellers page.
Sellers page
The Sellers page, located under Settings > Sellers, displays all sellers that are mapped to your account.
For each seller, you can view the following information:
Seller - Displays the name and Marketplace ID of the SoftwareOne entity.
Address - Displays the address of the SoftwareOne entity.
Status - Displays the seller's status in the system. Possible values include:
Active - The seller is active and available for transactions in the Marketplace.
Disabled - The seller is not operational and cannot be used for transactions. However, you can still access any historical data related to the seller that's been disabled.
Seller details page
The details page of a seller displays additional information about the seller. You can open the details page by clicking the seller's name.
When you open the details page of a seller, it shows the seller's name, marketplace ID, and status.
The page also contains the following tabs:
General - Displays the seller's address.
Buyers - Displays all buyers linked to the seller in the context of an account, and their details such as name and address.
Currencies - Displays the list of currencies supported by the seller. SoftwareOne sellers can support transactions in multiple currencies.
Details - Displays the date and time information associated with the seller object.
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