API Tokens

Learn about API tokens and how to access the API tokens page.

The Marketplace Platform uses API tokens to authenticate requests to the REST API . Your API token must be included in the "Authorization" HTTP header with the "Bearer" prefix for authentication. For example, the following request could be used to retrieve a list of Buyers:

GET https://api.platform.softwareone.com/public/v1/accounts/buyers
Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN_VALUE}

Your API keys have permissions assigned to them, so keep them secure. Do not share your secret API keys in public areas like GitHub or client-side code. All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.

How to access the API tokens page

Account administrators can access the API tokens page by navigating to the main menu of the platform and selecting Settings > API tokens.

From the API tokens page, administrators can:

  • Create new tokens to access different workflows and modules within the Marketplace platform.

  • Edit a token to update its name, description, and list of modules.

  • View a list of tokens.

  • Copy the token values for use in your application.

  • Delete a token if it's no longer needed.

  • Disable a token temporarily and then re-enable it as needed.

API Tokens InterfaceToken StatesCreate API TokenEdit API TokenCopy API TokenEnable or Disable API TokenDelete API Token

Last updated

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