Edit Buyers
Edit certain details of a buyer, such as the buyer's contact person information.
Edit a buyer
Follow these steps to edit buyer details:
Navigate to the Buyers page (Settings > Buyer).
Do one of the following:
Click the actions icon (•••) for the buyer you want to edit and select Edit. The Edit buyer page opens.
Click the buyer's name. When the details page of your selected buyer opens, click Edit in the upper-right section of the page. The Edit buyer page opens.
Select the Contact Person section and choose one of the following options:
None (leave unassigned) - Select to leave the contact person unassigned.
Select an account user - Select to choose an existing user from your account. When you select this option, all active user accounts are displayed.
Add contact details manually - Select to add the contact person manually. You'll need to provide the individual's first name, last name, email address, and optionally contact information.
Click Save.
A message is displayed stating that the operation is successful.
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BuyersBuyers InterfaceEnable or Disable BuyersLast updated